
St Philip's Church of England

Controlled Primary School

Health & Medical Matters

In addition to assisting with the health education curriculum, the school nurse conducts regular health checks, advises staff and is available for consultation with parents. The school has a policy on the Administration of Medicines which is available from the school office. If a child suffers from a chronic illness or long term complaint such as diabetes or epilepsy, please come and talk to the Headteacher or Miss Robinson, the SENDco.


Cough sweets should not be sent into school with children and medicines for coughs and colds etc. must not be brought to school to be administered by the class teacher. If a child is recovering from a short-term illness and is well enough to return to school, although still receiving a course of antibiotics, parents must consent in writing to medicine being administered in school and written details provided for the “named person” who will administer the medicine. Parents are encouraged to come into school personally, if at all possible, to administer medicines to their children.


All children participate in Physical Education, which includes swimming for Years 3 to Year 6.. If you wish your child to be excluded from these activities at any time, please send a note indicating the reason.


We have a “School Asthma Policy” which describes how we manage asthma in school. If your child is asthmatic, please inform us at the pre-admission meetings. We shall then arrange to discuss this with you prior to your child starting school.


Should you wish your child to be absent for any reason (e.g. medical/dental appointments) please send a note beforehand stating your wishes. For obvious reasons, children cannot be allowed to leave the premises during the school day unless accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult.


If your child is taken ill at school, or has an accident, we would want to contact you or your representative immediately. It helps us, therefore, to have the parents’ day-time address and telephone number, as well as those of a close relative or friend. We also need to be kept informed of any change of address or telephone number, either home or business, or of a change of family circumstances.
