Please find the updated uniform price list.
Please see our website link and be aware that you can now shop online for school uniform.
The link is:
Shop address is:
Paul Place Schoolwear
272 Stanley Road
L20 3ER
Tel: 0151 922 2472
Children are expected to wear the correct uniform and all items should be marked clearly with the child’s name.
Grey pinafore dress or skirt
Grey Trousers
White shirt or blouse
Royal blue jumper or cardigan with school badge
*School tie (blue and yellow)
Grey socks or tights
Black school shoes
Blue dress gingham or striped (to be worn with white socks and blue cardigan)
Black school shoes
Grey trousers (short or long)
White shirt
Blue jumper with school badge
*School tie (blue and yellow)
Grey socks
Black school shoes
Grey trousers (Short or long)
White polo shirt (with or without school logo)
Blue jumper with school badge
Black school shoes
*Ties may be purchased from the school office, price £3.00 (elasticated) and £3.50 (long)
Our school uniform is available from the uniform stockist, V Creative on Sonning Avenue, or Paul’s Place in the Strand Shopping Centre, Bootle. Marks and Spencers also supply royal blue jumpers and cardigans and a badge can be sewn on.
Badges are available from the school office, price £2.
Book bags are also available for £5.30 and £6.30.
Details regarding the price of items of uniform may be obtained from the above supplier.
Parents are asked to note the following:
1. Girl’s hair “accessories” should be limited to bobbles, scrunchies, covered elastic bands or ribbons, and these are to be blue and white.
2. For reasons of safety, pupils with pierced ears may wear small, round studs only, and earrings must not be worn for swimming, .PE., or Games. No other jewellery (e.g. chains, rings, etc.) may be worn. Children must be able to remove their own earrings.
3. Also for safety reasons, children should wear sensible, flat-soled black school shoes for school. Trainers are not to be worn.
4. Watches may be worn to school but we are unable to accept responsibility for their loss or damage. On days when children are engaged in P.E., games or swimming, watches should be left at home.
We should be grateful for your co-operation in these matters so that we may not only ensure the smartness of our children in their school uniform, but also help them to be as safe as possible during the school day.
For Physical Education children wear a black or navy blue tracksuit (no big logos), White polo shirt and dark trainers. All sports clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name.