Class Teacher: Mrs Swann
Teaching Assistants: Miss Grey and Ms Baker
Our Class Value is
In Year 3 we begin to place emphasis on the children developing greater independence and becoming self-motivated learners, allowing them to thrive for the rest of the Key Stage. During this year, the children will continue to develop in their maturity and are expected to enter into greater communication about their own learning.
What happens in Year 3?
The Year 3 curriculum offers a rich and stimulating learning experience which children thrive and flourish in. We aim to, where possible, guide the children to make links across the subjects and to real life situations.
Our classroom is co-operative and resourceful. We have lots of things in our classroom that help us learn and the children are encouraged to use a range of resources to allow independent learning. We try hard to do our best in all aspects of the curriculum and we strive to show pride in our work.
We are going to explore a wide range of interesting topics in Year 3, including The Stone Age, volcanoes and The Romans. For further information please look at our Year 3 curriculum map.
For our homework, we focus on daily reading (of at least fifteen minutes) and spellings and times tables. Spelling booklets are given out at the start of each term and spelling tests take place each Thursday. Children should learn a page of spellings every week ready for their weekly test. Times tables are tested regularly in Maths lessons so it is important children practice them regularly. Times Tables Rock Stars is a great resource (see link below).
Your child will be responsible for the daily return of their Reading book and Reading Log. It is extremely helpful if you encourage discussion about the plot, characters and what may happen in the story. Your help in this is much appreciated. Children will also select books from our class library to enjoy and we will be sharing a story together at the end of each day.
PE lessons will take place on a Friday, children should come to school in their kit (navy or black tracksuit and trainers - no logos). Please make sure that if your child has pierced ears that earrings are removed for PE days.
Please remember to send your child to school with a healthy packed lunch in a sealed box. School dinners are nutritionally balanced. Children in KS2 may also bring in a piece of fresh fruit for their break time snack (grapes must be halved).
Children are encouraged to bring named water bottle into class containing water only. Children need to ensure these bottles are refilled during break time and lunch time so that this does not impact on their learning time.
We will look at how to be smart and safe when using the internet. To begin the year, we will be reminding ourselves of our prior e-Safety learning, and extending this further.
Useful websites:
We hope that all children in Year 3 will have the opportunity to develop a responsible and mature attitude towards each other and in their approach to their work. There will be a strong emphasis on each child ‘doing his/her best’ in order to achieve their potential. Our aim is to encourage independence in working yet also promote co-operation in group situations. Good effort and behaviour will be positively reinforced.
Remember that if you have any concerns at any time, members of staff are always available at the start or end of the day for a quick word. Please arrange an appointment if a longer chat is needed.
Year 3 Recommended websites Times table Rock Stars in preparation for the multiplication check towards the end of Year 4
Activities, tests and worksheets for Key Stage 2 maths, English and science. Aimed at pupils, with separate sections for parents.
A fantastic website with many interactive and informative resources
77 Free Online Math Games for Kids. Key Stage 2, Primary/Elementary Ages 8-11 Years.
In Year 3 we aim to give our best in order to enjoy and achieve in everything we do!
Finally…this term, like always is a busy one. We welcome support in school to listen to readers. If this is something that you're interested n then please let us know. We really do appreciate your continued help and support.
Thank you
Mrs Swann
Knowledge Organisers