Our class value is PERSEVERANCE
In year 5 we understand what it is to have perseverance and we try hard to demonstrate this value in our every day lives.
Here in our school:
Let us be peaceful at all times.
Let our rooms be full of happiness
and respect for each other.
Let love be in our hearts
Let us show perseverance when needed
Let us support others in achieving their goals.
Let us remember
In learning together,
We grow together
And succeed together.
'Our motto must continue to be perseverance. And ultimately I trust the Almighty will crown our efforts with success.' William Wilberforce (1759-1833)
Welcome to Year 5!
Class Teacher: Mrs Drane
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Meek
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome the parents and carers of Year 5. We do hope you are looking forward to the journey your children are about to embark upon within UKS2 and wish your children success throughout their time with us.
In Year 5, we believe that school and home working together will help your child to get their most from their time in school and to reach their potential. We aim to to give your child the best education through fun, exciting and thought-provoking activities that inspire children to become resilient, independent learners. We know how important your child's education is, and in Year 5 your children will be taking their next steps towards their final year of primary school. The standard of work and expectation in Upper Key Stage 2 continues to be of a high level and therefore, we aim to ensure that children are fully equipped with the knowledge needed to reach their full potential in line with our school mission statement, 'What God has created, we nurture and celebrate in His love.'
We operate an 'open door' policy and all staff members are happy to talk to parents and carers about any concerns or matters they may have. Please appreciate that at times, it may not be possible so, if the matter is urgent please telephone or e-mail the school office and they will pass on any urgent messages ASAP.
The Year 5 curriculum offers a rich and stimulating learning experience which children thrive and flourish in. We aim to, wherever possible, guide the children toke links across the subjects and to real-life situations. Our classroom is co-operative and resourceful. We try to Persevere and to do our best in all aspects of the curriculum, striving to show pride in our work demonstrating 'An ethic of Excellence'.
Across the year, we will be exploring a wide range of interesting topics including World War Two and The Rainforest. For further information, please look at our Year 5 curriculum map.
our P.E. day is Friday.
Home Learning
Homework consists of spellings, reading and maths facts. Times Tables and Spellings will be tested weekly on a Friday. See below for a link to the Year 5 spellings. Children will learn spelling rules and patterns during school regularly. There is also a statutory Year 5 and Year 6 spelling list of words below that you can support your child in learning as regularly as you wish at home. In Year 5, children will be expected to read for a minimum of 10-15 minutes per day, either with an adult, a sibling or independently. The discussion/questioning of what they have read is just as vital as the reading itself, so please try to discuss what they're reading regularly.
Please remember to send your child to school with a healthy packed lunch; school dinners are nutritionally balanced. Children in KS2 may also bring in a piece of fresh fruit for their break time snack (grapes must be halved).
Children are encouraged to bring a named water bottle into class containing water only.
Thank you for your support
Mrs Drane
We use knowledge organisers throughout lessons in school, but they are also a fantastic way to support learning at home as they provide an overview of key concepts that will be covered in class. There is also no absolute right or wrong way to use a knowledge organiser, but to get the best out of them, it is important to ensure that children have plenty of opportunities to read, learn and retrieve the information. This can be done in a variety of ways from mini-quizzing, filling in blanked sections or memory games.Most important is to return to it regularly.
Reading VIPERS
Reading VIPERS is our way of supporting children with their reading comprehension skills. All children will be working on VIPERS during class reading whether it is reading as a class, in a small group, or one to one with an adult. It would be fantastic if parents could also be referring to VIPERS when listening to their child read at home.
For further information, please open the attachment below.
Reading at home
Here is a list of assessment focus questions you can ask your child during a reading session at home.
Please take the time to read through each and try to incorporate these questions into your reading sessions.
You can find copies of all of the Year 5 homework spelling lists attached below this page.
How can you help?
• Help your child learn their spellings and high frequency words.
• Read with your child daily and complete the Reading Record book.
• Provide your child with a water bottle.
• Remind your child to remove jewellery on PE days. (PE days can change so please ensure that a PE kit, labelled with your child’s name, is in school at all times.)
• Label all belongings and items of clothing with your child’s name.
• Talk to your child about their homework and what they are learning.
• Help your child recall their times table facts quickly and accurately.
• Ask your child if they asked any good questions today at school.
• Talk about everyday maths e.g. "If this box of cereal is half price how much will it be?"
Useful Links to use at home
https://www.theschoolrun.com/year-5 (This website asks for a subscription to access all areas but there is a lot of useful information that can be accessed for free without signing up for an account. At St Philip’s we DO NOT endorse this website or recommend signing up for their subscription services)
There was an error processing this link (the page was not found).
On Wednesday, Year 5 got closer to nature as they explored the wetlands of Martin Mere. This was a fantastic day with the children particularly enjoying pond dipping, enhancing the science curriculum of Living Things and their Habitats, as well as making memories.
The children behaved as true ambassadors for St Philip’s and were even commended by members of the public for their model behavior. Well done Year 5!
However, through the eyes of the children, the true stars of the show were the adorable otters and the flamboyant flamingoes.
Pupil Voice:
“I think Martin Mere was the best trip we’ve been on. My favourite part was the pond dipping.” Jenson
“I caught a baby newt!” Jacob
“I think Martin Mere was not only fun but educational too. I really enjoyed it all.” Ysabel
“I loved the trip to Martin Mere because of all the wildlife, but the best part of the day was the pond dipping.” Hunter
Year 5 Trip to Martin Mere