Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to our Year 6 page. My name is Mr Byrne and I am the year 6 class teacher working alongside Mrs McShane our teaching Assistant. Mrs Hibbert is also teaching in year 6 on Fridays as part of our learning team.
In the autumn term, we worked hard on many subjects including English where our quality texts have been Unspoken and War Horse. In maths, we have focused on place value, arithmetic skills and calculation strategies.
Our other subjects have included studying the Heart and the circulatory system n Science and Life as a Journey in Religious Education. In History (Humanities) we have focused on the topic of Slavery and the role played by Liverpool. In the autumn term we enjoyed a trip to the Maritime Museum, visiting the slave gallery as part of Black History month. We also enjoyed our class assembly based on our Christian value of Respect, as well the highlight of the term, our exciting residential trip to CHET.
We hope you find the information and photographs here useful in giving you a flavour of the teaching and learning in our year 6 class.
CHET Residential trip: Year 6 really enjoyed all of the activities at CHET. They participated in every activity with such enthusiasm, showing resilience and being such supportive friends. We are so proud of them! We've taken lots of photos to share with you.
Our Class Christian Value is Respect
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself.
Phillippians Chapter 2, Verse 3
We produced lots of pieces of work encouraging respect - including Respect acrostic poems whilst the focus of our Class assembly was 'Respect within our Global Family' - we found out how the Golden Rule of Jesus was to respect others. We linked this to our work on slavery where we saw that the lack of respect for people of other colours, religions and cultures led to this situation where people could be bought and sold like goods. We discussed our work on US anti slavery campaigner Harriet Tubman and linked this to our class text Unspoken about the Underground Railroad -the secret network allowing 19th century African American slaves to escape to the free northern states.
Sample class work about Harriet Tubman, examples of our Respect poems and an example of how we stand and take turns to speak in class, showing respect to one another.
Year 6 Play-leading and buddies - Year 6 pupils have really enjpyed playing with and supporting their reception buddies. Photos to follow.
DT - Fairground Rides - We loved making our Fairground Rides with Steph!
In Year 6 you will find that in addition to academic subjects, you can choose to hold positions of responsibility in school, such as School Council Representatives, Worship Warriors and of course, be buddies to the younger children and lots more. You are going to be the role models for the rest of the school and, upstairs in the Year 6 base, you will feel very grown-up indeed!
A great emphasis, both academically and emotionally, is placed on preparing you for high school. There is an expectation that you will take greater responsibility for your learning, organisation and independence, both in school and on the way to and from your home. Many of you will have mobile phones and be starting to walk home alone, perhaps. It is therefore doubly important that you use your phone sensibly and also remember how to be a good digital citizen. In Year 6, we shall explore what that means both on social media and in the wider community.
Part of the preparation for high school is establishing a good routine for homework. Our homework takes the form of spellings, times tables and reading. These are the three most important things you can possibly practise so make sure you use your homework time wisely! You are also encouraged to change your reading book on a regular basis and be adventurous. Try something different that you wouldn't usually pick. We have all types of books including ghostly ones, magical ones and classic stories that will always thrill. An important part of reading is recording when and what you have read. We would like you to record in your Reading Logs each time you read at home and at school. When you complete a book, write a short evaluation – ‘Something you liked about the book’, ‘Something you did not like about the book’ and/or ‘Something that puzzled you’. Sometimes you will be given other tasks to do for your reading homework.
I shall also set other homework on a once-a-week basis which will be important revision for SATs. This will be set on a Monday and handed in on the following Monday.
There will be a weekly ‘tables’ test – you need to know multiplication tables and related division facts to at least 12 x 12.Please spend some time learning these if you don’t know them ‘off by heart’ yet. It is absolutely vital that you have a strong working knowledge of these as so many areas of Maths depend on them. If you are already confident with your times tables, then you can start to make connections in different ways. You could learn them as division tables instead or change the power of ten so that you practise 0.3 x 7 = 2.1. The possibilities are endless!
Below you can find links to the spelling lists we shall use this year.
Autumn Term: http://www.schoolslinks.co.uk/slSpellingJournalYear6A.pdf
Spring Term: http://www.schoolslinks.co.uk/slSpellingJournalYear6B.pdf
Here is the spelling list for Year 6. You will also need to know the spelling patterns in these words and how they work in other words too.
For information about our curriculum, please see the documents below. For further information, please go to the curriculum page for subject overviews.
Click on the link below to find some fantastic ideas for books to read in Year 6.
To really improve your speedy recall of numbers facts, there are some great activities on this website.
For fun ideas and every mathematical possibility imaginable, log on here.
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What a fantastic session we had - who would have thought that chasing a belt could have been so much fun. We have some fiercely competitive members of Year 6!