
St Philip's Church of England

Controlled Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Class Teacher:  Miss Grindley

Teaching assistant: Mrs McShane


Welcome to our Year 6 page.



In the autumn term, we worked hard on many subjects including English where our quality texts are The Dream Giver and War Horse. In maths, we are focusing on place value, arithmetic skills and calculation strategies.


Our class Christian Value is Respect. We will be learning what this means on a day to day basis in our lives as we are 'Ready, Respectful and Resilient'. Our class assembly this year will be based on our Christian value of Respect.


Our exciting residential trip to CHET has been a great way to start the year. The children were absolutely wonderful role models and staff said they were one of the best groups in terms of communication with each other and supporting each other when they were tackling some very challenging situations. 


We hope you find the information and photographs here useful in giving you a flavour of the teaching and learning in our year 6 class. 

The Curriculum


For information about our curriculum, please see the documents below. For further information, please go to the curriculum page for subject overviews.


English Texts Knowledge Organisers

Science Knowledge Organisers 2022-23


History Knowledge Organisers 2022 - 23

Geography Knowledge Organisers 2022 - 23


Click on the link below to find some fantastic ideas for books to read in Year 6.


To really improve your speedy recall of numbers facts, there are some great activities on this website.


For fun ideas and every mathematical possibility imaginable, log on here.


Spelling Practice

Archived Photos from Previous Years
