
St Philip's Church of England

Controlled Primary School

General Information

Outdoor Play


The Early Years Curriculum states that all children must have access to outdoor learning. Our children will access the outdoor area in all types of weather and so  it is essential that they are dressed appropriately for these conditions. Please could you ensure your child has a pair of named wellington boots in school, and have a suitable waterproof coat with a hood. This will allow your child to access our outdoor learning environment comfortably, and safely, and will enrich their learning opportunities.  Please so ensure that all clothing and shoes are clearly named.



Snack time

Each day the Reception class will have a piece of fruit or vegetable that is provided by Sefton Council, along with a glass of milk.  If your child has any allergies, we ask that you inform us immediately and complete a Medical Requirements form. This can be obtained from the school office. In addition to this, we ask that all children bring a named water bottle that they can access throughout the day.  Please note that juice is not permitted in these bottles.  The children have free access to their water bottles at all times throughout the school day.



The Reception class will partake in a weekly PE session. Please send your child to school on their P.E day wearing a navy or black tracksuit and white t-shirt with plain black trainers or pumps. Reception's P.E is on a Thursday. 



Letters, Notices and payments

We will send home newsletters to share learning, school letters and important notices. Please check your child’s book bag on a daily basis.  Please note that any trip or dinner payments must be completed through the online school money app.



Sickness and Absence

If your child is unwell due to sickness, please be advised that a 48 hour period must be taken before your child returns to school. Please inform the school office of your child’s absence.

