Your child has been given a set of study books, which were initially provided to enable our pupils to revise for their SATs, should schools close. Although there will now be no SATs, these books cover the curriculum in Year 6 and will be vital preparation for Year 7. Each book has the answers at the back, although obviously we would encourage your child not to look until he/she has completed an activity!
Your child has a study book for Arithmetic and a study book for Maths, including reasoning and problem-solving. Please remember our good working practices and annotate work and read questions carefully. There is also a leaflet of practical activities from First4Maths which provides some interesting and investigative opportunities for Maths.
Your child has a study book for Reading in the form of short ten minutes tests. Please encourage him/her to stick to the timings. The answers can be found at the back of the book. There is also a Grammar and Punctuation practice book which covers everything in the Year 6 Curriculum.
In class we have been reading Tom's Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce. I have sent home a copy of the book with each child so that he/she can continue to read it. There is a study guide enclosed with questions relating to each chapter. Many of the questions will require an extended written response. Please encourage your child to write neatly and present their work at the same standard we would expect in school.
I shall be adding short writing projects to this page on a daily basis, so please come back and check regularly for new tasks.
All Key Stage Two spellings have been sent home and include a suggested activity for each spelling group. Please practise the spellings in the small spelling book and aim to work through one group a day.