
St Philip's Church of England

Controlled Primary School


Monday 25th January

Tom's Midnight Garden

Today you have two tasks. 

1) Make sure that you are up to date with the story so far. All chapters can be found on Purple Mash and also in the previous weeks'  stars at the bottom of this page. 

2) Join the link on Purple Mash for a quiz which should take you about ten minutes. 

3) Optional - watch the first two episodes of the story from the link above. 


Tuesday 26th January

Tom's Midnight Garden

1) Make sure that you are up to date with the story so far. All chapters can be found on Purple Mash and also in the previous weeks'  stars at the bottom of this page. 

2) Join the link on Purple Mash for a quiz which should take you about ten minutes.

3)  Chapter 9 - Hatty Answer the questions on this extract. 




Wednesday 27th January

Tom's Midnight Garden

Chapter 9 continued - Hatty

Read the extract and answer the questions. 

Thursday 28th January

Read the extract and answer the questions. 
