
St Philip's Church of England

Controlled Primary School

Year 5

*Please scroll down to see each update*


Year 5 Home Learning Tasks

In the event of the closure of our class bubble due to a confirmed case of COVID-19, or if your child is self-isolating, the work to be completed during this time will be listed below.  

They will also be given a pack to take home; this will include exercise books to complete maths and writing based tasks as well as some paper based activities.   These packs will then be returned to school and checked by a member of staff when your child/ bubble returns to school. It is important that the work is completed neatly and to the high standard that we would expect from the children in school. The children's home learning exercise books will be kept and used again if necessary. 

Activities and tasks will be shared on the Purple Mash learning platform via 2e-mail each school day. Your child will need to respond to the daily email between 8:45a.m. and 10 a.m. the same day. This will effectively serve as a ‘register’ allowing us to both communicate the expectations for learning and to maintain a daily contact, opening lines for support/encouragement/engagement. 

A copy of the login details for Purple Mash has been attached to the front of their home school reading record book (along with their login details for Times Tables Rock Stars.

If an email is not replied to by the agreed time, a member of staff will attempt to make contact in an alternative way. It is important that you keep us informed of any circumstances which may prevent your child from engaging with and completing the set schoolwork.


Thank-you for your on-going support during these uncertain times.


Purple Mash

Purple Mash emails

When you are on the Home page, go to Computing, then go to 2e-mail. 

You should then be able to see a smaller version of the same icon in a row of four. Click on that and it will take you to the emails and your inbox.                                                 


Suggested home learning timetable

Go Noodle!

Follow the links below to give you some fantastic work outs as part of our home learning timetable.


We will be following the maths lesssons from Oak National Academy. Please see the link below under 'Maths'. For each lesson, there is a video tutorial that will explain the focus skill just as I do in class on the board. Any related tasks and activities do not have to be printed out, instead they can be copied neatly and completed in their home learning exercise books. 




USEFUL - Maths Dictionary



Please encourage the children to do some form of spelling task on a daily basis, focusing on a few words at a time, as these are the words that they will be expected to know ahead of their SATs next year.

Below is a PDF of the Spring term Spelling Journal. Children should focus on learning the spellings within Column B.

Year 5 Spring Spelling Journal

7 Top Tips to support Reading at Home

Additional Learning Resources:

Supporting Children with SEN

The next few weeks (and possibly months) will be a particularly difficult time for children and families, whilst schools are closed and we are advised to self-isolate or socially distance ourselves from our friends and family. Our normal structure and routine will be out of the window. This information pack aims to support parents of children with an ASD or LD during this tricky time and will hopefully make things a little more manageable.
