
St Philip's Church of England

Controlled Primary School


At lunch-times children may have a school meal or packed lunch or they may go home for lunch. In order to assist our organisation, we need to know what you wish your child’s midday meal arrangements to be at least a week in advance. Children should remain on their choice of either packed lunch or school dinner for a half term. Should a change be necessary, a week's notice is required. Notification of any changes should be made to the school office either in writing, in person or by phone.


Those children who wish to have a school lunch are able to choose from a menu which offers traditional home cooked food, vegetarian options and favourite snack meals. There is always a hot meal, a filled jacket potato with salad or a sandwich option. We also serve a cold deli on Tues and Thurs for Key Stage 2 children. Puddings vary and regularly include yoghurt, fresh fruit, cakes or biscuits. The children also receive a drink with their meal.


The current cost is £2.00 per day. Children pay for a week’s meals in advance. The exact money (£10.00) should be sent into school with your child each Monday morning in an envelope, marked with the child’s name and clearly labelled “Dinner Money”.


Parents who believe their children may be entitled to free school meals should apply to the department of Education in Bootle. (Tel. 0151 922 4040)


For those children whose parents prefer them not to have a school meal, packed lunches may be brought in a proper lunch box, clearly marked with the child’s name and year group. Water is available if desired, but children may bring a box carton of juice in a sturdy unbreakable child’s thermos flask or plastic bottle. This should fit inside the lunch box.


Infants receive 1 piece of fruit daily, free of charge under the Government’s Fruit for School Scheme. This is eaten during the morning. Juniors are encouraged to bring in fruit from home as a mid-morning snack. Water is available to all children throughout the day. The 4 year olds in the Reception class have a 1/3 pint carton of milk each day provided free of charge by the Local Authority.
