
St Philip's Church of England

Controlled Primary School

Year 1


In the event of the closure of our class bubble due to a confirmed case of COVID-19, the work to be completed during this time will be listed below. Please see the attached timetable as a guide for their home/school day . It is our expectation that in the event that a child/ bubble of children is self-isolating that they engage with and complete the work set to the same standard that they would in school. This is vital to enable their education to continue. 

Daily contact should be made either by 2email via Purple Mash or a phone call BY 9AM. A copy of the login details for Purple Mash has been attached to the front of their home learning folder. If necessary,  please contact school either by telephone or email if your child needs their login details. 

Some tasks will be set each day on Purple Mash.

In the event of a bubble closure or your child is isolating, they will be given a pack to take home. This will include exercise books to complete maths and writing based tasks as well as some paper based activities (a copy of the Head Start home learning booklet which can also be downloaded as a pdf below).  These packs will then be returned to school and checked by a member of staff when your child/ bubble returns to school. It is important that the work is completed neatly and to the high standard that we would expect from the children in school. The children's home learning exercise books will be kept and used again if necessary. 

Thank-you for your on-going support during these uncertain times.

TheSchoolRun is a very useful website that gives you all the tools you need to understand what and how your child is learning in primary school.  Here is the link for year one .


World Book Day

Purple Mash emails

When you are on the Home page, go to Computing, then go to 2e-mail. 

You should then be able to see a smaller version of the same icon in a row of four. Click on that and it will take you to the emails and your inbox.  

Home Learning Timetable 
Morning wake-up 

Sign up to GoNoodle® for FREE! It gets children up and moving to fun, engaging content. Every dance party, yoga session, and mindfulness activity is an opportunity for children to wake up their bodies, engage their minds, and be their best.

Maths fluency
Below are the matchs fluency slides. 1 per day before completing the Oak National Academy lesson. This can be done verbally or recorded, whoch ever works best for you. Do not spend longer than 5/ 10 minutes completign this. 
Useful weblinks to games/ activities: 

Play on Hit the Button - number bonds within 10 or 20, halves, doubles. 

Practise telling the time. This could be done through this game (scroll down to access the game). We read to the hour and half hour in year one. 

Numicon interactive board. Use to help with addition and subtraction within 10 and 20. 



Oak National Academy KS1 Maths - Money

Farmer Pete Number-bonds of 10 song


Oak National Academy English units - Instructions: how to make a paper crown.



Spelling and handwriting 

See folder for booklets.



Begin your phonics session with the recall games below to keep children familiar with the sounds and words they have learnt.


Phonics flash cards video 1:-


Phonics flash cards video 2:-


3 real and nonsense words games available to play for free on PhonicsPlay:-


Daily phonics lesson videos are on YouTube and linked in each daily email from me. 

(Complete in 2 halves if a brain break is needed)


See folder for additional work booklets.




KS1 - Geography - London in the United Kingdom


KS1 - History - How have people’s lives changed in living memory?


KS1 - Science - Materials



See Purple Mash for 2Dos




See below for video links:



Fine Motor Activities

It is important to build up the children's fine motor skills. These skills develop their pincer grip, concentration, hand-eye coordination and help with progression across all subjects. 


This an excellent blog with ideas and simple activities to develop fine motor skills:   


See below for more ideas:

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Key Websites

Support for SEN children