Welcome to Year 4
Class Teacher: Mrs Hibbert
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Darlington and Mrs. Gelhardt
Our class value is JUSTICE.
But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!
Amos Chapter 5, Verse 24
In Year 4, we aim to give our best in order to enjoy and achieve in everything we do!
The Year 4 curriculum offers a rich and stimulating learning experience which children thrive and flourish in. We aim to, where possible, guide the children to make links across the subjects and to real life situations.
Our classroom is co-operative and resourceful. We have lots of things in our classroom that help us learn including working walls for Maths and English. The children are encouraged to use a range of resources to allow independent learning. We try hard to do our best in all aspects of the curriculum and we strive to show pride in our work.
We are going to explore a wide range of interesting topics in Year 4, including The Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and The Ancient Egyptians. For further information please look at our knowledge organisers below or visit our curriculum tab.
For our homework, we focus on daily reading (at least fifteen minutes), spellings and times tables. Spellings will be given out each Friday and tested the following Friday. Times tables will also be tested each Friday.
Your child is responsible for the daily return of their reading record and school reading book. It is extremely helpful if you encourage discussions with your child about the plot, characters and predictions about what may happen in the story. Your support with this at home is much appreciated and will really help your child to progress at school.
Children in KS2 may bring in a piece of fresh fruit for their break time snack (grapes must be halved).Your child should also bring a water bottle to school. Please make sure the name can easily be seen on it as this will greatly help when there is more than one of the same design!
We will look at how to be 'smart' and safe when using the internet. To begin the year, we will be revisiting how to keep ourselves safe online.
Useful websites: http://www.kidsmart.org.uk
In year 4, we go swimming in the Autumn Term. Our swimming day is Tuesday. Your child will need a swimming hat, towel and costume/swimming trunks. Baggy swimming shorts are not allowed and all pierced earrings must be removed before entering the pool.
We hope that all children in Year 4 will have the opportunity to develop a responsible and mature attitude towards each other and in their approach to their work. There will be a strong emphasis on each child ‘doing his/her best’ in order to achieve their potential. Our aim is to encourage independence in working yet also promote co-operation in group situations. Good effort and behaviour will be positively reinforced.
Remember that if you have any concerns at any time, members of staff are always available at the start or end of the day for a quick word. Please arrange an appointment if a longer chat is needed.
Year 4 Recommended websites:
Times table Rock Stars in preparation for the multiplication check towards the end of Year 4
Activities, tests and worksheets for Key Stage 2 maths, English and science. Aimed at pupils, with separate sections for parents.
A fantastic website with many interactive and informative resources