Your child should be working in the exercise books provided by school at the start of this lockdown, for all paper-based activities.
Your child should then bring the pack back to school when we return so it can be checked by a member of staff. It is important that the work is completed neatly and to the high standard that we would expect from the children in school. The children's home learning exercise books will be kept and used again if necessary.
Activities and tasks will be shared on the Purple Mash learning platform via 2e-mail each school day. Your child will need to respond to the daily email between 8:45a.m. and 10 a.m. the same day. This will effectively serve as a ‘register’ allowing us to both communicate the expectations for learning and to maintain a daily contact, opening lines for support/encouragement/engagement.
If an email is not replied to by the agreed time, a member of staff will attempt to make contact in an alternative way. It is important that you keep us informed of any circumstances which may prevent your child from engaging with and completing the set schoolwork.
Thank you for your on-going support during these uncertain times.
Purple Mash
Week beginning 1st March
Here's something a bit different! This week I would like you to follow the links to each day's work. There is a Youtube explanation of each question as well as some practice of quick calculations. Week 10
Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers
We will mostly be following the maths lessons from Oak National Academy. The direct link to the lesson will be given in the morning email. For each lesson, there is a video tutorial that will explain the focus skill just as I do in class on the board. Any related tasks and activities do not have to be printed out, instead they can be copied neatly and completed in the home learning exercise books.
For the next two weeks, we shall be revisiting multiplication and division.
Monday 1st March
Lesson Six
Tuesday 2nd March
Lesson Seven
Wednesday 3rd March
Lesson Eight
Thursday 4th March
Lesson Nine
Friday 5th March
Lesson Ten
We left Hatty and Tom at a very dramatic moment. Read on this week to find out what happens next.
Now that we have finished the book, here are the links to each episode so that you can watch the story. It will also help you to understand the meaning of the last chapter, when everything is explained to Tom.
Episode One
Episode Two
Episode Three
Episode Four
Episode Five
Episode Six
This week, our last week, we are going to spend some time in the company of Frank Cottrell Boyce, author of Millions, Cosmin, The Unforgotten Coat and many more and probably our most famous local author.
Monday 1st March
All write now! Where do ideas come from?
Tuesday 2nd March
All write now! A letter to your future self
Wednesday 3rd March
All write now! Aztec Camera
Thursday 4th March - World Book Day
Friday 5th March
All write now! Hello! Goodbye!
Monday 1st March
Different types of sentences
Tuesday 2nd March
Exploring Prepositions
Wednesday 3rd March
Exploring Prepositions further
Thursday 4th March
World Book Day
Friday 5th March
Modal Verbs
Wednesday 3rd March
First of all, watch the film clip and then read the presentation.
You are going to watch a film clip about the Big Bang.
Then look at this presentation.
Wednesday 3rd March
Today we are going to continue our short unit of lessons on communication, using Oak National Academy.
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Monday 1st March
It's harder than you think. First of all, write your name with every syllable separately.
This video guide will help you, as it explains the grid of glyphs and sounds. Remember that it's how your name sounds, not spelt.
Tuesday 2nd March
It's all about time machines! First watch a very different version of The Time Machine to the one we watched last week.
Then have a go at drawing it!
Tuesday 2nd March
Here is the activity for this week - it's all about packaging.
When you are on the Home page, go to Computing, then go to 2e-mail.
You should then be able to see a smaller version of the same icon in a row of four. Click on that and it will take you to the emails and your inbox. Hopefully you should then be able to see my emails.