
St Philip's Church of England

Controlled Primary School

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Class Teacher: Miss Mason

Teaching Assistant: Miss Burnes and Ms Howard


Our Class Value is Courage


Believe in yourself.

You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine...





Year 2 were delighted to start their new topic in English and History, the Titanic!

A fantastic nativity was had by all!

Our Class

In year 2 we are becoming far more independent in our learning. During this year, the children will begin to develop their maturity through a broad and balanced curriculum which will provide them with opportunities to make links across subjects and to real-life experiences.  We have lots of rich and interesting topics to look forward to such as The Titanic, Africa and Kings and Queens. For further information please see our curriculum overview page. 


Our classroom offers a rich and stimulating environment with a variety of resources that the children have access to in order to support their learning. We are working on encouraging the children to begin to select resources that will support them with increasing independence. We always try to do our best and the children have been working hard on developing a neat, cursive style of handwriting which is an expectation of the year 2 curriculum. 


Homework consists of daily reading and practise of spellings. Spelling journals will be sent home at the start of each half term with a list to be learnt each week. Children will complete their spelling test on a Friday. To encourage independence, we ask that children place their own reading book in the basket to be changed when their reading record has been signed by an adult. When listening to your child read, it is very beneficial to question them on what they have read to ensure understanding about characters, plot and what they think may happen in the story. Also encourage them to give reasons for their responses for example, "I think...because...". Your help is much appreciated, thank-you. 


Daily reading with your child is the very best way to support their reading. As well as listening to your child read their school scheme book, encourage them to read books of their own choosing to develop a love for reading. Sharing stories with your child is also a great way to model pace, fluency and expression in reading. We build time in the school day to share a class story. If you have any recommendations for a really amazing book we'd love to hear about it.  Any reading you do with your child is greatly appreciated. If you're looking for a little inspiration, a list of recommended texts for KS1 can be found on the English Curriculum Page. This is a great place to start when thinking about additional books for your child. 


Children are to bring in their reading books and records EVERDAY

Reading books can be changed as often as needed. 


PE takes place on a Thursday. On PE days, the children should wear a dark blue or black tracksuit which does not contain large logos etc. and a pair of trainers to attend school. 


The children in Year 2 are provided with a healthy snack each day. They also need a bottle of water. 



Please remember that if you have any concerns at any time, members of staff are always available at the start or end of the school day for a quick word. If you feel a longer chat may be needed please arrange an appointment. 


Thank you again for your continued support and we look forward to a happy and successful year 2. 


Miss Mason, Miss Howard and Miss Rose

HAST overviews - Home and School Together

Knowledge Organisers

We use knowledge organisers to give an overview of the key things to be learnt within each topic for Science, History and Geography. 

These are referred to throughout lessons in school but are also a fantastic way to support learning at home because they show what will be covered in class. 

Have a look through the knowledge organisers below, these will be updated at the start of each new topic. If you would like a paper copy, please see Miss Ingham and Ms Grey

